Association between exposure to extreme temperature and injury at the workplace
Cyberbullying, aggressiveness, and emotional intelligence in adolescence
Factor analysis of the prediction of the postpartum depression screening scale
Factors influencing disaster-incident-related impacts on Korean nursing students
Historical typhoon search engine based on track similarity
Perception of falls and confidence in self-management of falls among older adults
Personality and behavioral predictors of cyclist involvement in crash-related conditions
Perspectives on active transportation in a mid-sized age-friendly city: "You stay home"
Physical attributes of housing and elderly health: a new dynamic perspective
School-related risk factors of internet use disorders
Slip and fall incidents at work: a visual analytics analysis of the research domain
The impact of green space on violent crime in urban environments: an evidence synthesis
The Physical Activity Questionnaire for the Elderly (PAQE): a Polish adaptation
The Relative Associations of Body Image Dissatisfaction among Psychiatric Out-Patients in Singapore
Toward an expanded focus for occupational safety and health: a commentary