Determining effective orientation and location of decision support signs at rural intersections
Developing complex crash warning simulations for human factors evaluations
Driver gear-shifting behaviors and errors
Drivers and passengers: are the perceptions of braking time the same?
Effect of in-vehicle touch screen position on driver performance
Ethical and privacy issues with on-road driving data: panel discussion
Evaluating and validating a new pedestrian exposure to risk metric
Global perspectives on the use of naturalistic driving data to improve highway safety
Is there a bilingual advantage when driving and speaking over a cellular telephone?
New insights into driving using recurrence quantification analysis
Non-conscious activation of an elderly stereotype leads to safer driving behavior
Response to intersection conflict situations across driver age and experience
Seeing pedestrians at night: visual clutter does not mask biological motion
The effects of cellular phone use on novice and experienced driver performance: an on-road study
Towards developing an indirect video visibility system for large trucks