A South African epidemiological study of fatal drownings: 2016-2021
Child marriage in South Asia: a systematic review
Concerns about household violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
Coping styles utilized during suicide and sudden death bereavement in the first six months
Disaster evacuation for home-based patients with special healthcare needs: a cross-sectional study
Effects of distracting behaviors on driving workload and driving performance in a city scenario
Emergency first responders and professional wellbeing: a qualitative systematic review
Families' experiences on safety needs of children with intellectual disability
Global research trends on smart homes for older adults: bibliometric and scientometric analyses
Maxillofacial injuries sustained by riders of electric-powered bikes and electric-powered scooters
New psychoactive substances: awareness and attitudes of future health care professionals in Serbia
Performing arts in suicide prevention strategies: a scoping review
Physical activity frequency and depression in the Spanish population
Prediction of work-related risk factors among bus drivers using machine learning
Reported cases of alcohol consumption and poisoning for the years 2015 to 2022 in Hail, Saudi Arabia
Sexual harassments related to alcohol and drugs intake: the experience of the rape centre of Turin
Social determinants of health and child maltreatment prevention: the family success network pilot
Social overview of smartphone use by teenagers
The mechanisms of parental burnout affecting adolescents' problem behavior
The paradox of suicide prevention
Trait acceptance buffers aggressive tendency by the regulation of anger during social exclusion
Visualization and analysis of global Vision Zero studies and policy orientation in china