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JAMA journal of the American Medical Association

Journal Volume: 267
Journal Issue: 22
Journal Year: 1992
Articles in SafetyLit: 20

A piece of my mind. knife and gun clubs of america

Assault weapons as a public health hazard in the United States

Attacks on homosexual persons may be increasing, but many 'bashings' still aren't reported to police

CDC investigators explore new territory in aftermath of unrest in Los Angeles

Final exit and the risk of suicide

Firearm access and suicide

Firearm and nonfirearm homicide among persons 15 through 19 years of age: Differences by level of urbanization, united states, 1979 through 1989

Firearm homicide among black teenage males in metropolitan counties: Comparison of death rates in two periods, 1983 through 1985 and 1987 through 1989

From the Assistant Secretary for Health, US Public Health Service

From the Centers for Disease Control. Firearm-related deaths--Louisiana and Texas, 1970-1990

From the Surgeon General, US Public Health Service

Guns, drugs threaten to raise public health problem of violence to epidemic

Let's be clear. Violence is a public health problem

Loaded guns in the home. analysis of a national random survey of gun owners

Roe v Wade was followed by a decrease in neonatal homicide

Television and violence: The scale of the problem and where to go from here

The firearm fatality reporting system. a proposal

Urban high school youth and handguns: A school-based survey

Violence in America: A public health emergency. Time to bite the bullet back

Weapon involvement and injury outcomes in family and intimate assaults