"Crow's feet" as an indication of a vital reaction in a gunshot victim
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology
"Shaken baby syndrome" and forensic pathology: an uneasy interface
Accidental death via intravaginal absorption of methamphetamine
Fatal lawn mower related projectile injury
Forensic epidemiology: a method for investigating and quantifying specific causation
Incapacitation recovery times from a conductive electrical weapon exposure
Low-dose CT in body-packers: delineation of body packs and radiation dose in a porcine model
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) in the early neonatal period: The role of bed-sharing
Sudden unexpected infant deaths associated with car seats
Tandem bullet injury: An unusual variant of an unusual injury