Decreasing income inequality and adolescent emotional distress: a population-based case study of Icelandic adolescents 2006-2016
Development is not the same as ageing: the relevance of puberty to health of adolescents
Educational and sport factors as predictors of harmful alcohol drinking in adolescence: a prospective study in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Food insecurity, sexual risk taking, and sexual victimization in Ghanaian adolescents and young South African adults
Gender differences in suicidal behavior in adolescents and young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
Parental overprotection and youth suicide behavior in low- and middle-income countries: a multilevel analysis of cross-national data
Suicidal thoughts in low-income adolescents: a longitudinal analysis
The decline in adolescent substance use across Europe and North America in the early twenty-first century: a result of the digital revolution?
What have we learned on adolescent transitions?
What role do family composition and functioning play in emotional and behavioural problems among adolescent boys and girls?