Analysis of Washington State Department of Transportation risks
Arterial signal offset optimization using crowdsourced speed data
Building back better: transportation recovery challenges from the 2018 Kaua'i Flooding Disaster
Challenges in rear-end conflict-based safety assessment of highly disordered traffic conditions
Characterizing incident responder crashes involving move over law violations
Deep reinforcement learning approach for automated vehicle mandatory lane changing
Delays and queue lengths at traffic signals with two greens in one cycle
Dynamic all-red extension: an innovative safety countermeasure to treat red light running crashes
Effects of speed reduction marking patterns on simulated driving speed and lane position
Enabling rapid large-scale seismic bridge vulnerability assessment through artificial intelligence
Evaluating cost savings from truck caravanning
Evaluating driver response to a dynamic speed feedback sign at rural highway curves
Examining the relationships between multimodal environments and multitasking driving behaviors
Extracting highway cross slopes from airborne and mobile LiDAR point clouds
Freeway incident diversionary behavior as a measure of transportation network resilience
GPS-based traffic conditions classification using machine learning approaches
Impact of road grade on the risk profile of driver behavior
Impact of wildlife crossing structures on wildlife-vehicle collisions
Incident duration time prediction using supervised topic modeling method
Leveraging transformer model to predict vehicle trajectories in congested urban traffic
Pavement marking practices, standards, applications, and retroreflectivity
Pedestrian crossing decisions during pedestrian transition signals at signalized intersections
Planning-level crash prediction models in southern California
Platooning trajectory optimization for connected automated vehicles in coordinated arterials
Predicting for traffic risk degree: novel prediction method and samples
Prediction of travel time reliability on interstates using linear quantile mixed models
Ranking risk factors in financial losses from railroad incidents: a machine learning approach
Re-envisioning mobility on urban freeways: the emergence and evolving roles of managed lanes
Relationship between daylight saving time and traffic crashes in Florida
Safety evaluation of changing speed limit from 55 mph to 60 mph on two-lane, two-way road segments
Simulation of urban crash occurrence based on real-world crash data
Verification and efficacy of automated queue detection systems on interstate intelligent work zones
Vulnerability analysis of Casablanca road network by capacity weighted spectral analysis