A method to investigate the safety level of small enterprises
A model for analysis of accidents and its application
Accident and society in the German Democratic Republic
Accidents and incidents production: Methods of analysis
Accidents and progress of technology in Finnish industry
Accidents and the progress of technology
Accidents in one region of Norway during a period of one year
Effect of accidents on public health and national economy
Evaluation of the influence of the regulations for presses
Human errors. a taxonomy for describing human malfunction in industrial installations
Immunological reactivity of the organism in the combined effect of electromagnetic fields and noise
Inadvertent starts causing accidents
Investigation of serious accidents
Measurements of the intensity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as risk factors in Bulgaria
Occupational accidents in developing countries
Occupational accidents in the maintenance of heavy forest machinery
Perspectives of accident research by safety science
Perspectives of accident research: Causes and prevention
Progress of technology and traffic accidents
Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as a risk factor in different professional groups in Bulgaria
Reporting noninjury accidents: A tool in accident prevention
Safety analysis of a liquefied gas storage and loading system
Safety analysis of production line in the light metal industry
Summary of the results derived from the theme: accidents and progress of technology
The progress of technology and safety in materials handling
The relation between accidents and output in Swedish industry
The role of occupational hygienic survey in safety analysis. experiences in metal factory
The role of slippery weather in accidental falls
The use of ear protectors in the paper industry
Videotape-based interviews in safety analysis
Work accidents and their effect on the Czechoslovakian economy