An exploration of PTSD and coping strategies response to the experience of being in a bomb attack in Iraq
An investigation of potential Holocaust-related secondary trauma in the third generation
Analysis of treatment methods for victims of torture in Kenya and east Africa region
Exploring combat-related loss and behavioral health among OEF/OIF veterans with chronic PTSD and mTBI
Intergenerational transmission of abuse: implications for parenting interventions from a neuropsychological perspective
Posttraumatic stress disorder in the U.S. warfighter sensitivity to punishment and antidepressant use contribute to decision-making performance
Stigmas and attitudes toward seeking mental health treatment in a sample of veterans and active duty service members
Survey of National Consortium of Torture Treatment Program therapists about the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the psychological sequelae of torture
The structure of avoidance following trauma development and validation of the Posttraumatic Avoidance Scale (PAS)