Caller Characteristics, Call Contents, and Types of Assistance Provided By Caller Sex and Age Group in a Canadian Inuit Crisis Line in Nunavut, 1991-2001
Can Perceived Burdensomeness Explain the Relationship Between Suicide and Perfectionism?
Identifying outpatients with entrenched suicidal ideation following hospitalization
Impact of the 1998 Football World Cup on suicide rates in France: results from the National Death Registry
Mental Disorders and Communication of Intent to Die in Indigenous Suicide Cases, Queensland, Australia
Nonsuicidal self-injury: relationship to behavioral and self-rating measures of impulsivity and self-aggression
Perfectionistic Self-Presentation, Socially Prescribed Perfectionism, and Suicide in Youth: A Test of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model
Psychache and Suicide Ideation among Men Who Are Homeless: A Test of Shneidman's Model
Rates and Correlates of Undetermined Deaths among African Americans: Results from the National Violent Death Reporting System
Three Scales Assessing High School Students' Attitudes and Perceived Norms About Seeking Adult Help for Distress and Suicide Concerns