Alcohol use, alcohol-related outcome expectancies, and partner aggression among males court-mandated to batterer intervention programs: a brief report
Attitudes about human trafficking: individual differences related to belief and victim blame
Enacted sexual stigma, stigma consciousness, and subjective happiness scale adaptation: a two-country study
Is routine screening for intimate partner violence feasible in public health care settings in Kenya?
Please tell! Barriers to disclosing sexual victimization and subsequent social support perceived by children and adolescents
Posttraumatic stress symptomatology in pre-hospital emergency care professionals assaulted by patients and/or relatives: importance of severity and experience of the aggression
Prevalence and correlates of self-rated posttraumatic stress disorder and complicated grief in a community-based sample of homicidally bereaved individuals
The good, the bad, and the incomprehensible: typifications of victims and offenders as antecedents of beliefs about sex crime
User violence and nursing staff burnout: the modulating role of job satisfaction