Examining the role of safety planning and firearms in community professional's advice and perceived helpfulness for female IPV victims
Factors associated with help-seeking among women affected by intimate partner violence in the occupied Palestinian Territories
Factors for formal help-seeking among female survivors of intimate partner violence
Group compassion-based therapy for female survivors of intimate-partner violence and gender-based violence: a pilot study
Intimate partner violence prevention and intervention group-format programs for immigrant Latinas: a systematic review
Post-traumatic stress disorder and employment in women reporting abuse: 5-year data from a longitudinal study
Prevalence and patterns of intimate partner violence in a nationally representative sample in Lithuania
Relationships between experiences of sibling physical aggression and lifetime aggression using statistical controls for poly-victimization
Romantic perfectionism and perceived conflict mediate the link between insecure romantic attachment and intimate partner violence in undergraduate students
Spirituality and parenting among women experiencing intimate partner violence
Trajectories of alcohol use and alcohol intoxication in young adults exposed to childhood violence and later problematic drinking behavior
Trauma and violence as predictors of internalizing and externalizing symptoms of youth in residential child welfare placements