Breaking the cycle of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence: the effects of student gender and caring relationships with teachers
Can adult care diminish the effects of friends' assaultive behaviors on bullying perpetration among African American youth?
Exposure to online game violence and cyberbullying among Chinese adolescents: normative beliefs about aggression as a mediator and trait aggressiveness as a moderator
Past experiences of getting bullied and assaulted and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a severe traumatic event in adulthood: a study of World Trade Center (WTC) responders
The relationship between resting heart rate variability, hostility, and in vivo aggression among young adults
The utility of a psycho-social approach for understanding and addressing male youth violence: the interface between traumatic experiences and masculinity
Victimization from peer aggression and/or bullying: prevalence, overlap, and psychosocial characteristics