A multifaceted approach to improving motor vehicle restraint complicance
Alcohol: the ubiquitous risk factor
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Injury Minimization Programme for Schools (IMPS)
Assessing child restraint misuse by parental survey
Babysling related injuries: a case report and literature review
Developing the history of unintentional injury: the use of coroners' records in early modern England
Effects of recent 0.08% legal blood alcohol limits on fatal crash involvement
Evaluation of the Waitakere Community Injury Prevention Project
Injuries in Ontario farm children: a population based study
Measuring injury risk factors: question reliability in a statewide sample
Mothers Against Drunk Driving--MADD in the USA
Preventing impaired driving around the world: lessons learned
Probability of arrest while driving under the influence of alcohol
Program evaluation--balancing rigor with reality
Risky business: safety regulations, risks compensation, and individual behavior
Teenage suicides in northern Sweden: an interview study of investigating police officers
Testing the impact attenuation of loose-fill playground surfaces
Understanding drinking and driving reforms: a profile of Ontario statistics
Violence and its injury consequences in American movies: A public health perspective