Challenge of drowning prevention in low and middle income countries
Drowning surveillance: how well do E codes identify submersion fatalities
Evaluation of a bicycle skills training program for young children: a randomized controlled trial
Evaluation of interventions to prevent injuries: an overview
Exploratory analysis: what to do first
Impact of a theory based intervention to increase bicycle helmet use in low income children
Injuries in less industrialised countries
Injury prevention in the information age: the injury and violence prevention library
Observed child restraint use in automobiles. 1976
Reported incidence of injuries caused by street glass among urban children in Philadelphia
Risk homeostasis hypothesis: a rebuttal
Risk homeostasis theory: an overview
Road injuries in school age children: relation to environmental factors amenable to interventions
Surfing the environmental wave and injury control
Trends in injury mortality among adolescents in Taiwan, 1965-94
Where children sit in motor vehicles: a comparison of selected European and American cities