Airgun injuries in New Zealand, 1979-92
An update from the business meeting in Melbourne
Can child fatalities in house fires be prevented?
Golf cart related injuries in a North Carolina island community, 1992-4
Hazards of baby walkers in a European context
Health status measurement: the special case of children and youth
Injuries and their relation to potential hazards in child day care
Injury control in developing countries: context more than content is crucial
Injury control in developing nations: what can we learn from industrialized countries?
Injury mortality among children and teenagers in the United States, 1993
Lidköping Accident Prevention Programme: what was the impact?
Preventing childhood unintentional injuries--what works? A literature review
Regional variation in homicide rates of infants and children
Remarks from the Haddon Memorial Plenary Session
Teenagers' attitudes towards bicycle helmets three years after the introduction of mandatory wearing
The exposure of young children to accident risk as pedestrians
The SF-36 health survey: a valid measure of changes in health status after injury