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Injury prevention

Journal Volume: 10
Journal Issue: 2
Journal Year: 2004
Articles in SafetyLit: 20

A quantification of preventable unintentional childhood injury mortality in the United States

Community paediatricians' counseling patterns and knowledge of recommendations relating to child restraint use in motor vehicles

Demographic risk factors in pesticide related suicides in Sri Lanka

Downhill skiing injury fatalities among children

Drowning deaths among Japanese children aged 1-4 years: different trends due to different risk reductions

Epidemiology of electrical and lightning related deaths and injuries among Canadian children and youth

Improving surveillance for injuries associated with potential motor vehicle safety defects

Incomplete and biased perpetrator coding among hospitalized assaults for women in the United States

Injury and globalisation

Injury prevention training: a cluster randomised controlled trial assessing its effect on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of midwives and health visitors

Making sense of safety

Measuring parent attributes and supervision behaviors relevant to child injury risk: examining the usefulness of questionnaire measures

Motor vehicle crash deaths related to police pursuits in the United States

Reality check: using newspapers, police reports, and court records to assess defensive gun use

Reasons for trends in cyclist injury data

Review of the role of alcohol in drowning associated with recreational aquatic activity

Road safety and public health: a US perspective and the global challenge

To make further progress against carbon monoxide poisoning, focus on motor vehicles

What is an injury?

World Health Organization dedicates World Health Day to road safety