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IATSS research

Journal Volume: 48
Journal Issue: 2
Journal Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 15

A review on following behavioral models: regular to connected autonomous vehicle heterogeneity

An investigation of traffic speed distributions for uninterrupted flow at blackspot locations in a mixed traffic environment

Assessing distracted driving crash severities at New York City urban roads: a temporal analysis using random parameters logit model

Assessing public perception of car automation in Iran: acceptance and willingness to pay for adaptive cruise control

Calibration and development of safety performance functions for two-way stop-control intersections on rural two-lane highways in Louisiana

Contribution of the IATSS research projects to disseminating modern roundabouts in Japan

Efforts for social implementation of disaster mitigation system using probe motorcycles

Exploring interacting effects of risk factors on run-off-road crash severity: an interpretable machine learning model joint with latent class clustering

Exploring the effect of mountainous terrain on weather-related crashes

History and prospects of traffic enforcement for traffic safety in Japan

Impact of COVID-19 on road crashes in Thailand

Interdisciplinary research on the dissemination and promotion of screening for sleep-related breathing disorders for traffic safety in Japan

Parking areas that support comfort and safety in urban pedestrian environments

Research on safety measures with a focus on the psychological and behavioral characteristics of bicycle users, from children to senior citizens

Toward school route vision zero