Association between daytime sleepiness and motor vehicle accidents among Japanese male taxi drivers
Contribution to the analysis of driver behavioral deviations leading to road crashes at work
Day-to-night image translation via transfer learning to keep semantic information for driving simulator
Evaluating perceived safety of autonomous vehicle: the influence of privacy and cybersecurity to cognitive and emotional safety
Exploring association of contributing factors to pedestrian fatal and severe injury crashes under dark-no-streetlight condition
Impact analysis of road infrastructure and traffic control on severity of pedestrian-vehicle crashes at intersections and non-intersections using bias-reduced logistic regression
Model of encroachment into opposite lanes in horizontal curves of rural roads
Multivariate analysis of following and filtering manoeuvres of motorized two wheelers in mixed traffic conditions
Predicting child occupant crash injury severity in the United Arab Emirates using machine learning models for imbalanced dataset
Psychosocial work factors, road traffic accidents and risky driving behaviours in low-and middle-income countries: a scoping review
Safety evaluation of centerline rumble strips on rural two-lane undivided highways: application of intervention time series analysis
The impact of perceived safety, weather condition and convenience on motorcycle helmet use: the mediating role of traffic law enforcement and road safety education