ACTH and vasopressin treatments immediately after a defeat increase future submissiveness
Aggression, crying and physical contact in one-year-old to three-year-old children
Argument against group selection explanations for ritualized aggression
Association between home television viewing, aggression, and imaginative play in preschoolers
Biological face: violent deaths in an anti-violent town's record of a century of life and death
Brain dysfunction in aggressive criminals
Brain mechanisms of offense, defense, and submission
Canine responses to familiar and unfamiliar humans
Children's sex role preference, sex of television model, and imitation of aggressive behaviors
Effects of erotic stimuli on aggression against women
Effects of target variables on third-party instigated aggression
Eocial face: social structure and control in an anti-violent village
Evolution of legal traditions in Mexico
Face of human-nature: implications of the data, and a step or two toward a theory of anti-violence
Female partners and male police
Governmental face: formal and real mechanisms of conflict resolution in an anti-violent town
Group-therapy experience with violent alcoholic patients
Hero selection by canadian ice hockey players: skill or aggression
Human-animal aggression: examination of a neglected topic
Instigating effects of associated retrieval cues and white noise on delayed verbal aggression
Involuntary subliminal television intoxication: some clinical issues
Methodological issues in psychopharmacological research of violent individuals
Non-invasive methods for the detection of abnormal deep brain electrical activity
Parents' responses to infants at risk for child abuse
Perceived situations, anxiety, and their effects on aggression
Prenatal hormones and aggression in man
Psychodynamic face: learning to be violent vs learning to be anti-violent
Shock delivery in human aggression experiments: aggression or button-pushing
Some child-rearing practices contributing to non-aggressive behavior in a Zapotec community
Television and violence: methodological issues for future research