Continuity of aggression from childhood to early adulthood as a predictor of life outcomes: implications for the adolescent-limited and life-course-persistent models
Desensitization to media violence over a short period of time
Development of adolescence-limited, late-onset, and persistent offenders from age 8 to age 48
Introduction: the unusualness and contribution of life span longitudinal studies of aggressive and criminal behavior
Life success of males on nonoffender, adolescence-limited, persistent, and adult-onset antisocial pathways: follow-up from age 8 to 42
Predictors and outcomes of persistent or age-limited registered criminal behavior: a 30-year longitudinal study of a Swedish urban population
Reduction of appeasement-related affect as a concomitant of diazepam-induced aggression: evidence for a link between aggression and the expression of self-conscious emotions