Aggressive behavior related to self confidence
Aggressive behavioral characteristics, sexual orientation, and sex role in men and women
Aggressive interaction among Zapotec children in two different micro-cultural environments
An interactive model of sexual aggression
Anger and violence among state hospital patients
Assessment of cognitive, behavioral, and personality dimensions of male batterers
Attitudes of parents toward social violence and child aggression
Attitudinal and personality correlates of male courtship and partner violence
Characteristics of men who sexually assault both children and adults
Content analysis of television violence
Dating couples agreement regarding coercion on the conflict tactics scale
Differences between human and animal aggression
Does the Palestinian uprising affect the level of violence within Israeli society?
Effects of self-control techniques in the treatment of aggressive behavior in boys
Empathy and aggression revisited -- the effects of context
Grains of truth in the wasteland of fear: single factor analyses of a mass murder
Health antecedents to juvenile criminal behavior [conference abstract]
How to predict impulsive violence: the biochemical findings among habitually violent offenders
Information gathering as a defensive behavior
Integrating theory and research on sexual aggression
Mitigating the developing of aggression in young children by changing their cognition
Mood change and competition in women across the menstrual cycle
Normal murder versus psychopathic murder
Pornography, sexual violence, and the law -- a Canadian perspective
Premenstrual syndrome and criminal behavior
Relationship of child aggression to family cohesion and adaptability
Shamed into anger: relation of shame-proneness and guilt-proneness to anger and hostility
The intergenerational transmission of conflict-resolution styles in a non-western culture
The origins of democracy in agrarian society -- land inequality and political violence
Violence prevention for aggressors, victims, and bystanders: psychology meets public health
Woman-batterers perceptions of self compared to partners perceptions before and after treatment