About the effects of violence viewing on dreams and fantasies
Age- and sex-related differences in threat perception in a modern urban society
Aggressivity in psychopathic personalities
Are sex differences in responses to defeat programmed by perinatal androgens?
Competence and submission to a frustrating partner
Cross-national variations in violence
Crossânational variations in violence
Developmental trends in violence: viewing aggression relationships during 10 years
Differential diagnostics of aggressive conduct disorder
Dominance order and aggressive behavior in a group of young children
Early predictors of adult aggression
From screen to reality -- TV aggression and adolescent development
Gender and aggression: three aspects of aggressive behavior among Israeli youth
Individual differences in the study of the frustration-aggression hypothesis
Intragroup and intergroup factors in political violence
Mother-infants group: an ethological approach for the study of behavioral effects of drugs
Opiate antagonists: effects on the social aggression of rats and autistic children
Outward and inward aggression -- their relation to subjective social stress indicators
Parental permissiveness towards aggression in aggressive and nonaggressive schoolboys
Political violence: research findings and their acceptance by policy makers -- a tricky affair
Sex and dominance: mood and socioemotional behavior in small groups
Social identity and some aspects of ingroup hostility -- perceptual biases against black sheep
Social status as function of violence among recidivists in prison
Terrorism, public opinion and the media
The frustration-aggression hypothesis and the concept of prejudice
The reporting of violence and conflict on television news
The terrorist: a social psychological case study on the subject of values, norms and violations