Adolescent boys' self-reports of their feelings and attitudes
Aggressive boys interactions with adults: a cross-setting of behavior stability
Aggressive boys social cognitive skills and types of adult-child interactions
Aggressive pornography and aggressive-behavior
Behavioral and mood effects of one week's testosterone and placebo intake in human males
Depressive symptomatology and schemas: relationship with anger, aggression and assertiveness
Does play fighting have a function
Ethanol effects on fear and aggression
Ethopharmacology of flight behavior
Exposure to pornography and sexual victimization: an examination of women's experiences
Extrapunitive aggression in a representative sample of subjects who died by suicide or accident
Family management variables and antisocial behavior in boys: a longitudinal perspective
Fighting and play-fighting among Zapotec Indian children
Human aggressive and assertive-behavior changes during the menstrual cycle
Human infanticide in evolutionary perspective
Parent-offspring conflict and homicide in evolutionary perspective
Psychopharmacology of aggression in humans: laboratory studies
Sexual violence in the media: a theoretical-model and research findings
Spousal violence: the impact of marital dispute resolution processes
Structural models relating childrens popularity and aggression to adult achievement
Temporal patterns in aggression research: escalation, dissipation and maintenance
The problem of structural equivalence in television violence research
The relationship between social play and aggression
The role of self-blame in fostering or inhibiting long-term recovery from rape
Twenty-four generations of bloodshed on Bellona Island (Solomon Islands)
Verbal aggression as an agonistic ritual
What is aggressive? Some contextual factors in judging international behavior
Wife-batterers attitudes toward sex roles and perceptions of self