A cognitive-attributional analysis of aggression in children and adults
A multidimensional approach to the evaluation of human aggression
Aggression, altruism and biological bookkeeping
Aggressive reactions to the abuse of power by individuals and groups
Aggressive-behavior in relation to its underlying propensities and as negotiation
Bullying among school children in Scandinavia
Clinical aggressology: neuropathology and (violent) aggression
Cognitive processes and the persistence of aggressive behavior
Competition and social interaction: an experimental-model of dyadic social interaction
Consequences of aversive and non-aversive child behavior
Desensitization to film violence in aggressive and nonaggressive boys
Effects of high acoustic stimulation in the Buss aggression machine paradigm
Ethological observations of aggressive and cohesive behaviors during class hours
Female aggression and resource scarcity: a cross-cultural perspective
Functional relationships between sexual and aggressive behavior
Human aggression: a specific interaction between actor and recipient
Inhibition of aggressive behavior and susceptibility to experimental hypertension
Investigations on the mechanism of action of a specific anti-aggressive drug (fluprazine)
Long-term monitoring of anti-aggressive drugs
Moral approval of various forms of interpersonal aggression: a Polish-Finnish comparative study
Offspring effects upon agonistic parental behavior
Parental attributions of children's aggressive behavior
Patterns of aggression in youth subcultures
Patterns of sympathetic arousal related to different agonistic contexts
Psychological research on the well-being of victims of hostage taking
Psychopharmacological aggression research
Relative contributions of aggression and reproduction to behavioral endocrinology
Sex differences in sexual behavior and aggression
Sex, age and social competence as factors influencing aggression in 3-6-year-olds
The catharsis hypothesis, aggressive drive, and the reduction of aggression
The possible role of testosterone in the development of aggressive behavior
The role of anger in essential hypertension
Victims of aggression: an animal model of depression