A cross-lagged panel model examining protective behavioral strategies: Are types of strategies differentially related to alcohol use and consequences?
Alcohol misuse, alcohol-related risky behaviors, and childhood adversity among soldiers who returned from Iraq or Afghanistan
Alcohol use, military sexual trauma, expectancies, and coping skills in women veterans presenting to primary care
Attachment and alcohol use amongst athletes: The mediating role of conscientiousness and alexithymia
Characteristics and drinking patterns of veterans with alcohol dependence with and without post-traumatic stress disorder
Co-occurring mental health and alcohol misuse: Dual disorder symptoms in combat injured veterans
I think I can't: Drink refusal self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between self-reported drinking identity and alcohol use
Substance use over the military-veteran life course: An analysis of a sample of OEF/OIF veterans returning to low-income predominately minority communities
Suicidal ideation in Veterans misusing alcohol: Relationships with insomnia symptoms and sleep duration