A study on the enhancement of traffic near-miss incident database for various usage
An analysis of driver's body balancing motion using angular momentum about center of gravity
Basic study on transition from highly automated driving to manual (fifth report)
Driver emotion estimation via convolutional neural network with ECG
Evaluation of fundamental specifications impact to the transient response and handling quality
Human machine interface with driver in highly automated driving (second report)
Influence of driver's comprehension level of driving support systems on driver's mental workload
Influence on distraction for the advanced voice control system while driving
Motion analysis of a passenger in reaction to vehicle sway associated with seating posture
Proposal of estimation method for driver arousal level during autonomous driving (second report)
Reliability estimation for self-vehicle pose recognition result using LiDAR
Study on driver support functions to prevent intersection accidents in left turning scenarios
Triple skyhook control considering roll-plane coupled motion
Unsteady flow analysis method for automobile headlamp based on massively parallel CFD