Analysis of evacuation destination and departure time choices for no-notice emergency events
Behaviour of channelized section spillover: a numerical simulation study
Civil infrastructure resilience: state-of-the-art on transportation network systems
Collision prediction in roundabouts: a comparative study of extreme value theory approaches
Discretionary lane-changing behavior: empirical validation for one realistic rule-based model
Impact of curbside bus stop locations on mixed traffic dynamics: a bus route perspective
Insights toward efficient angle design of pedestrian crowd egress point bottlenecks
Managed gating control strategy for emergency evacuation
Modeling loading area effectiveness at off-line bus stops with no clear-cut separation of berths
Modelling of seat belt use intention for intercity buses based on health belief model
Models to evaluate the severity of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts in five cities
Post-storm debris removal considering traffic and psychological impacts
Prompt prediction of spillovers in urban street networks by using rolling time occupancy data
School zone safety modeling in countermeasure evaluation and decision
Sustainable transport in neighbourhoods: effect of accessibility on walking and bicycling
The influence of zonal configurations on macro-level crash modeling
Travel mode choice on multiday traveling occasions: a multilevel and mixed-effects approach
Two-stage model for optimizing traffic signal control plans of signalized Superstreet