ACL tears in the National Football League from 2013 to 2020: analysis of the 2020 season after delays and schedule changes from the early CoViD-19 pandemic relative to prior seasons
Association between preseason fitness level and risk of injury or illness in male elite ice hockey players: a prospective cohort study
Effect of the CoViD-19 pandemic on sports-related injuries evaluated in US emergency departments
High school athletes' health-related quality of life across recovery after sport-related concussion or acute ankle injury: a report from the athletic training practice-based research network
Impact of anterior cruciate ligament injury on European professional soccer players
Rates and determinants of returning to Australian rules football in male nonprofessional athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Risk of concussion after a targeting foul in collegiate American football
Sex-specific outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis