Age-friendly mobilities: a transdisciplinary and intergenerational perspective
Are GIS-modelled routes a useful proxy for the actual routes followed by commuters?
Associations between the objective and perceived built environment and bicycling for transportation
Bikeshare's impact on active travel: evidence from the United States, Great Britain, and Australia
Bus use in a developing world city: implications for the health and well-being of older passengers
Children׳s experiences: enjoyment and fun as additional encouragement for walking to school
Epidemiology and spatial examination of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes in Iowa, 2001-2011
Extending life on the bike: electric bike use by older Australians
Further examinations of mobility in later life and improving health and wellbeing
General practitioner attitudes and practices in medical fitness to drive in Ireland
Health and transportation: small scale area association
How actively do children travel to their pre-school setting?
Interactions between psychological and environmental characteristics and their impacts on walking
Linking transport, health and sustainability: better data sets for better policy-making
Risk factors for cycling accident related injury: the UK Cycling for Health Survey
The development of policy-relevant transport indicators to monitor health behaviours and outcomes
The impacts of national and local government actions on active travel
Travel behavior of low income older adults and implementation of an accessibility calculator