A randomised controlled study of the long-term effects of exercise training on mortality in elderly people: study protocol for the Generation 100 study
A review of the international Burn Injury Database (iBID) for England and Wales: descriptive analysis of burn injuries 2003-2011
Abortion legislation, maternal healthcare, fertility, female literacy, sanitation, violence against women and maternal deaths: a natural experiment in 32 Mexican states
An assessment of driving fitness in patients with visual impairment to understand the elevated risk of motor vehicle accidents
Cost-effectiveness analyses of self-harm strategies aimed at reducing the mortality of pesticide self-poisonings in Sri Lanka: a study protocol
Ear for recovery: protocol for a prospective study on parent-child communication and psychological recovery after paediatric injury
Incidence and fatality of serious suicide attempts in a predominantly rural population in Shandong, China: a public health surveillance study
Violence, self-harm and drug or alcohol misuse in adolescents admitted to hospitals in England for injury: a retrospective cohort study