"Blackouts" as a cause of motor vehicle crashes in British Columbia, Canada, 1966
A three-year summary of the Kentucky driver limitation program
Accomplishments in traffic epidemiology
Alcohol and other factors in California highway fatalities
Analysis of driver education effectiveness and recommendations for its improvement
Causative factors and corrective needs in 148 injured motorcyclists
Detection of coronary insufficiency and arrhythmia during the stress of automobile driving
Drug-induced disturbances of vision that may affect driving
Fourteen ounces of prevention: A clinician's viewpoint
Impairment, dangerous driving, and the law
Injury-producing traffic crash patterns in Australia
Involvement of alcohol in fatal motor vehicle crashes
Kinematics of cervical spine injuries on impacting types of safety glass
Medical factors in driver licensing
Ocular findings in extension-flexion injuries of the cervical spine
Psychological considerations in the design of automotive signaling systems
Restraint system effectiveness in racing crashes
Some relationships between vision and driving
The pre-crash, crash, and post-crash parts of the highway safety problem
The use of non-programmed simulators in the Driving Research Laboratory, Providence, R.I