Addressing disability inequities: let's stop admiring the problem and do something about it
Adverse childhood experiences and COVID-19 stress on changes in mental health among young adults
Association between childhood exposure to family violence and telomere length: a meta-analysis
Attention given to victims of gender violence from the perspective of nurses: a qualitative study
Children's access to non-school destinations by active or independent travel: a scoping review
Comparative analysis of composite mortality prediction scores in intensive care burn patients
Cyberharassment victimization on three continents: an integrative approach
Depressive symptoms and ageism among nursing home residents: the role of social support
Developing a cold-related mortality database in Bangladesh
Examining the indirect death surveillance system of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Feasible intervention through simple exercise for risk of falls in dementia patients: a pilot study
Fire safety knowledge of firefighting equipment among local and foreign university students
Frailty as a predictor of adverse outcomes among Spanish community-dwelling older adults
Have Deaths of Despair Risen during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Systematic Review
Health promotion actions and school violence-a cluster analysis from Finnish comprehensive schools
Healthcare workers' resilience toolkit for disaster management and climate change adaptation
Injuries to users of single-track vehicles
Integrated approach for safety culture factor evaluation from a sustainability perspective
Ke ala i ka Mauliola: Native Hawaiian youth experiences with historical trauma
Match injuries in the Spanish Rugby Union Division de Honor
Mental balance in 116 nations: where it is experienced and valued
Mortality in recreational mountain-biking in the Austrian Alps: a retrospective study over 16 years
Patient experiences after physical trauma: the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on recovery
Population-based disparities in U.S. urban heat exposure from 2003 to 2018
PTSD and depression symptoms increase women's risk for experiencing future intimate partner violence
PTSD and PTG in French and American firefighters: a comparative sudy
Research paradigm of network approaches in construction safety and occupational health
Review of research on road traffic operation risk prevention and control
Risk prediction of coal and gas outburst in deep coal mines based on the SAPSO-ELM algorithm
Seasonal differences in physiological responses to walking in urban parks
Selected Texan K-12 educators' perceptions of youth suicide prevention training
Sexist attitudes in adolescents: prevalence and associated factors
Sports injuries of a Portuguese professional football team during three consecutive seasons
The relationship between perfectionism and social anxiety: a moderated mediation model