Alcohol and the Risk of Railway Suicide
Differences in driving intention transitions caused by driver's emotion evolutions
Downside: the perpetrator of violence in the representations of social and health professionals
Exploring the space of possibilities in cascading disasters with catastrophe dynamics
Impact of alcohol policies on suicidal behavior: a systematic literature review
Is a CSR policy an equally effective vaccine against workplace mobbing and psychosocial stressors?
Male-type and prototypal depression trajectories for men experiencing mental health problems
Nurses' workplace bullying experiences, responses, and ways of coping
Profiles of problematic internet use in bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents
Regional Suicide Rate Change Patterns in Korea
Risk information seeking behavior in disaster resettlement: a case study of Ankang City, China
The beneficial effects of short-term exposure to scuba diving on human mental health
The predictors of driving cessation among older drivers in Korea
User experiences with a virtual alcohol prevention simulation for Danish adolescents
What is rural adversity, how does it affect wellbeing and what are the implications for action?
Women's experiences of domestic violence during pregnancy: a qualitative research in Greece