Adolescent employment, mental health, and suicidal behavior: a propensity score matching approach
Chronobiological effects on mountain biking performance
Differential Experiences of Mental Health among Trans/Gender Diverse Adults in Michigan
Factors that influence the decision to seek help in a police population
Health Systems, Aging, and Inequity: An Example from Chile
Movement behaviors and perceived loneliness and sadness within Alaskan adolescents
Perception of dating violence in teenage couples: a cross validation study in Spain and Colombia
Physical frailty among urban-living community-dwelling older adults in Malaysia
Promoting equity, social justice, and saving lives with life jacket and clothing policies
Red and processed meat consumption and risk of depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Safety climate perceptions in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia: the current situation
Suicide safety planning: clinician training, comfort, and safety plan utilization
Validation of the Urban Walkability Perception Questionnaire (UWPQ) in the Balearic Islands
Workplace violence in outpatient physician clinics: a systematic review