Analysis of bicycle-motor vehicle crashes in San Antonio, Texas
Assessment of sound source tracking using multiple drones equipped with multiple microphone arrays
Child-to-parent violence, peer victimization and cybervictimization in Spanish adolescents
Chronic pain and associated factors related to depression among older patients in Hanoi, Vietnam
FGM and restorative justice-a challenge for developing countries and for refugee women
Parental control and adolescent delinquency based on parallel process latent growth curve modeling
Pediatric traffic injuries on Halloween in the United Kingdom: prevalence and injury severity
Perspective developing successful collaborative research partnerships with AI/AN communities
Predisposing factors and impact of child victimization: a qualitative study
Snakebites in rural areas of Brazil by race: indigenous the most exposed group
Tough love lessons: lateral violence among hospital nurses
Trends of perinatal stress, anxiety, and depression and their prediction on postpartum depression
Validation of the AUDIT and AUDIT-C for hazardous drinking in community-dwelling older adults
When "stay at home" can be dangerous: data on domestic violence in Italy during COVID-19 lockdown
Work-related injuries reported to workers compensation fund in Tanzania from 2016 to 2019