Adaptation of the Participant Role Scale (PRS) in a Spanish youth sample: measurement invariance across gender and relationship with sociometric status
Cumulative effects of maternal age and unintended pregnancy on offspring aggression
Heterogeneity of relationally aggressive adolescents in Taiwan: direct and indirect relational aggression
Honor, collectivity, and agnation: emerging risk factors in "honor"-based violence
On the Pervasiveness of Event-Specific Alcohol Use, General Substance Use, and Mental Health Problems as Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence
Parental predictors of children's animal abuse: findings from a national and intergenerational sample
Using information from the Violence Risk Scale to understand different patterns of change: an exploratory investigation of intensively treated life-sentenced prisoners
Using propensity score matching to estimate an "unbiased effect-size" between women's employment and partner violence in Tanzania
Why the impact? Negative affective change as a mediator of the effects of victim impact statements