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Sensors (Basel)

Journal Volume: 24
Journal Issue: 15
Journal Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A combined data-driven and model-based algorithm for accurate battery thermal runaway warning

An experimental study of the acoustic signal characteristics of locked-segment damage evolution in a landslide model

An improved fire and smoke detection method based on YOLOv8n for smart factories

An investigation into the effects of correlated color temperature and illuminance of urban motor vehicle road lighting on driver alertness

Close-range coordination to enhance constant distance spacing policies in oversaturated traffic systems

Comparison of KF-based vehicle sideslip estimation logics with increasing complexity for a passenger car

Data analytics for predicting situational developments in smart cities: assessing user perceptions

Distributed drive electric vehicle handling stability coordination control framework based on adaptive model predictive control

End-to-end autonomous driving decision method based on improved TD3 algorithm in complex scenarios

Enhancing driving safety through user experience evaluation of the C-ITS mobile application: a case study of the DARS traffic plus app in a driving simulator environment

Graph attention informer for long-term traffic flow prediction under the impact of sports events

Impact of perception errors in vision-based detection and tracking pipelines on pedestrian trajectory prediction in autonomous driving systems

Lane attribute classification based on fine-grained description

LiDAR-based urban three-dimensional rail area extraction for improved train collision warnings

LPDi GAN: a license plate de-identification method to preserve strong data utility

Peer-to-peer ultra-wideband localization for hands-free control of a human-guided smart stroller

Research on a train safety driving method based on fusion of an incremental clustering algorithm and lightweight shared convolution

Research on the application of dynamic process correlation based on radar data in mine slope sliding early warning

RSSI-WSDE: wireless sensing of dynamic events based on RSSI

The effectiveness of eHMI displays on pedestrian-autonomous vehicle interaction in mixed-traffic environments

The parameter calibration of social force model for pedestrian flow simulation based on YOLOv5

Using video technology and AI within Parkinson's disease free-living fall risk assessment