Alcohol-related behaviour in freshmen university students in Sardinia, Italy
Analyses of child and youth self-poisoning hospitalizations by substance and socioeconomic status
Child sexual abuse in Mexican women: type of experience, age, perpetrator, and disclosure
Childhood trauma and psychological distress: a serial mediation model among Chinese adolescents
Effects of the action for neutralization of bullying program on bullying in Spanish schoolchildren
Identifying the weaker function links in the hazardous chemicals road transportation system in China
Identity (re)construction of female adolescents with substance use disorders
Maternal sociodemographic factors and antenatal stress
Mental health and social development effects of the Abecedarian Approach
Prevalence and correlates of unintentional injuries among in-school adolescents in Ghana
Scoping review: suicide specific intervention programmes for people experiencing homelessness
Structural violence and health-related outcomes in Europe: a descriptive systematic review
Using behavioural insights to improve the uptake of services for drug and alcohol misuse