Basic principles and peculiarities of disaster medicine
Carciogenesis due to accidents?
Circular-saw injuries of the armpit with the severing of blood vessels and nerves
Dermatologic diseases due to accidents (with pictoral demonstration)
Disability evaluation of shoulder injuries in Switzerland
Evaluation of relief work in disasters
Evaluation of shoulder injuries in the Federal Republic of Germany
Evaluation principles of accident sequelae involving the shoulder region
Fractures of the sternum in motorists and their treatment methods
Legal principles of disaster aid
Masculine anorgasm as an accident sequela
Organized emergency services in town and country
Organized rescue service--water and sea rescue
Principles of care for the injured in disasters
Radiation protection, organizational and technical possibilities in prevention and treatment
Soft-part injuries. (Injuries of the joint capsule, muscles and tendons)
The typical traffic accident of the adolescent: the motorcycle accident