Built environment factors affecting bike sharing ridership: data-driven approach for multiple cities
Capacity of urban arterial weaving sections under lane signal control strategy
Connectivity, accessibility, and mobility relationships in the context of low-volume road networks
Defining psychometric variables related to use of autonomous vehicles
Development and implementation of a multi-level roadway segmentation methodology
Influence of autonomous vehicles on car-following behavior of human drivers
Integrated framework for risk and resilience assessment of the road network under inland flooding
Measuring changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of motorcycle fatalities in the U.S
Motor vehicle crashes involving railroad crossing signal masts and guardrails
On the spatial evolution of traffic state transitions: empirical observations and general features
Physical accessibility and employment among older adults in California
Rural track paths on low-volume roads in Austria
Safety performance functions of low-volume roadways
User preferences for bicycle infrastructure in communities with emerging cycling cultures
Visco-elastic back-calculation of traffic speed deflectometer measurements
Vision-based navigation of autonomous vehicles in roadway environments with unexpected hazards
Who uses ride-hailing services in the United States?
Young driver crashes with cyclists: identifying training opportunities