"It's a living experience": bereavement by suicide in later life
A comprehensive analysis of factors associated with intimate partner femicide: a systematic review
Attitudes of nursing staff in hospitals towards restraint use: a cross-sectional study
Bedtime monitoring for fall detection and prevention in older adults
Effective and acceptable eco-driving guidance for human-driving vehicles: a review
Effects of housing aid on psychosocial health after a disaster
Employment status and alcohol-attributable mortality risk-a systematic review and meta-analysis
Forms of aid provided to refugees of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine War: the case of Poland
Gender differences in correlates of loneliness among community-dwelling older Koreans
Homophily effect in trauma-informed classroom training for school personnel
Improvements of warning signs for black ice based on driving simulator experiments
Inequalities in psychiatric morbidity in Hong Kong and strategies for mitigation
Mental health literacy: it is now time to put knowledge into practice
New micromobility means of transport: an analysis of e-scooter users' behaviour in Trondheim
Overlapping crises: climate disaster susceptibility and incarceration
Risk factors for locomotive crew members depending on their place of work
Self-regulation in adolescents: Polish adaptation and validation of the self-regulation scale
Socio-economic resilience to floods in coastal areas of Thailand
The involvement of Bangladeshi girls and women in sex work: sex trafficking, victimhood, and agency
The mereology of depression-networks of depressive symptoms during the course of psychotherapy
Towards the validation of an observational tool to detect impaired drivers-an online video study
Trends and insights from transportation congestion pricing policy research: a bibliometric analysis
Violence risk assessment and risk management: case-study of filicide in an Italian woman