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Addictive behaviors

Journal Volume: 32
Journal Issue: 12
Journal Year: 2007
Articles in SafetyLit: 20

A case-matched comparison of readmission patterns between primary methamphetamine-using and primary cocaine-using adolescents engaged in inpatient substance-abuse treatment

Alcohol assessment using wireless handheld computers: A pilot study

Alcohol use, partner type, and risky sexual behavior among college students: Findings from an event-level study

Are all drug addicts impulsive? Effects of antisociality and extent of multidrug use on cognitive and motor impulsivity

Bullying and fighting among adolescents - Do drinking motives and alcohol use matter?

Childhood characteristics associated with stage of substance use of American Indians: Family background, traumatic experiences, and childhood behaviors

Delinquency as a mediator of the relation between negative affectivity and adolescent alcohol use disorder

Do patient intervention ratings predict alcohol-related consequences?

Does sexual victimization predict subsequent alcohol consumption? A prospective study among a community sample of women

Drinking on the Premises in Norway: Young Adults' use of Public Drinking Places

Evaluating personal alcohol feedback as a selective prevention for college students with depressed mood

Marijuana use, risk perception, and consequences: Is perceived risk congruent with reality?

Personalizing the alcohol-IAT with individualized stimuli: relationship with drinking behavior and drinking-related problems

Predicting the initiation of substance abuse in Iranian adolescents

Predictors of cannabis use in men with and without psychosis

Rape blame as a function of alcohol presence and resistance type

Relationships among self-report assessments of craving in binge-drinking university students

Single-session expectancy challenge with young heavy drinkers on holiday

The influence of acculturation on drug and alcohol use in a sample of adolescents

Work stress and alcohol use: Examining the tension-reduction model as a function of worker's parent's alcohol use