A guided vehicle under fire conditions based on a modified ultrasonic obstacle avoidance technology
A novel framework for road traffic risk assessment with HMM-based prediction model
A path loss and shadowing model for multilink vehicle-to-vehicle channels in urban intersections
Abandoned object detection in video-surveillance: survey and comparison
An intelligent wireless system for field ecology monitoring and forest fire warning
Data analytics of a wearable device for heat stroke detection
Detection and validation of tow-away road sign licenses through deep learning methods
Exploring the consequences of crowd compression through physics-based simulation
Indoor positioning based on pedestrian dead reckoning and magnetic field matching for smartphones
Integrating moving platforms in a SLAM agorithm for pedestrian navigation
Intention estimation using set of reference trajectories as behaviour model
Road surface classification using a deep ensemble network with sensor feature selection
Robust drivable road region detection for fixed-route autonomous vehicles using map-fusion images
Two-way affective modeling for hidden movie highlights' extraction
Vehicle-type detection based on compressed sensing and deep learning in vehicular networks