Accuracy of self-perceived risk of falls among hospitalised adults in China: an observational study
Cohort profile: the Swedish National Quality Register for bipolar disorder(BipoläR)
Comparative efficacy, cognitive effects and acceptability of electroconvulsive therapies for the treatment of depression: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Factors influencing injury or death due to traumatic events in Afghanistan's crisis-affected populations: a cross-sectional nationwide study
Hospital-based patient navigation programs for patients who experience injury-related trauma and their caregivers: a scoping review
How representative is the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD) for population-based injury surveillance in Victoria? A retrospective observational study of administrative healthcare data
Informed self-assessment during the transition to medical school: a longitudinal narrative study
Is fear of falling key to identifying gait and balance abnormalities in community-dwelling older adults? Protocol of a mixed-methods approach
Prevalence estimates of trafficking in persons using statistical definitions: a cross-sectional high-risk community survey in Cape Town, South Africa
Protocol for a single group, mixed methods study investigating the efficacy of photovoice to improve self-efficacy related to balance and falls for spinal cord injury
Sexually transmitted infections among patients attending a sexual assault centre: a cohort study from Oslo, Norway
Understanding and enhancing responses to distress in the construction industry: protocol for a data linkage study
Validity of algorithms for identifying mild traumatic brain injury in the French national emergency department database OSCOUR: a retrospective multicentre validation study protocol