Alcohol and tobacco consumption concordance and its correlates in older couples in Latin America
Association between nighttime sleep duration, sleep timing and falls among middle-aged and older Chinese population: A cross-sectional analysis from the Dongfeng-Tongji cohort study, China
Comparison between clinical gait and daily-life gait assessments of fall risk in older people
Effects of a simple home-based exercise program on fall prevention in older adults: a 12-month primary care setting, randomized controlled trial
Fear of falling and mortality among community-dwelling older adults in the Shih-Pai study in Taiwan: a longitudinal follow-up study
Hospital admissions by the oldest old: past trends in one of the most ageing countries in the world
Prevalence and risk factors of depression in the empty nest elderly from the Sichuan Longmenshan fault earthquake
Sarcopenia is a risk factor for falling in independently living Japanese older adults: a 2-year prospective cohort study of the GAINA study