A multimodal fusion fatigue driving detection method based on heart rate and PERCLOS
A novel simultaneous planning and control scheme of automated lane change on slippery roads
A systematic survey of driving fatigue monitoring
Agile altering of road marking patterns for lane detection testing
Attention for vision-based assistive and automated driving: a review of algorithms and datasets
Cyber traffic light: safe cooperation for autonomous vehicles at dynamic intersections
Decision-making method of autonomous vehicles in urban environments considering traffic laws
Distributed motion planning for safe autonomous vehicle overtaking via artificial potential field
Fault tolerance analysis of car-following models for autonomous vehicles
Improving automated driving through POMDP planning with human internal states
Modeling driving behavior of human drivers for trajectory planning
Multisource adaption for driver attention prediction in arbitrary driving scenes
OAF-net: an occlusion-aware anchor-free network for pedestrian detection in a crowd
Object interaction-based localization and description of road accident events using deep learning