A linearizing transformation-based evaluation approach of the fundamental diagram
Analyzing the impact of strategies for separating trucks and cars: IH 20 truck-only lane case study
Applying data mining methods to explore animal-vehicle crashes
Automatic emergency braking system for trucks for two-wheeler longitudinal collision avoidance
Bayesian network for motorcycle crash severity analysis
Comparing the travel behavior of older users between station-based and dockless bike sharing systems
Design issues in widening of unspiraled horizontal curves
Detailed analysis of New York City subway pedestrian incidents from 2019
Exploring the effect of visibility factors on vehicle-pedestrian crash injury severity
Improved nighttime traffic detection using day-to-night image transfer
Modeling framework for predicting lane change intensity at freeway weaving segments
Perceptions of stress among pedestrians in fully automated vehicle transportation systems
Prevalence of alcohol, cannabis, and simultaneous use among drivers in six states
Public transit itinerary choice analysis considering various incentives
Quantifying the impact of reclaimed asphalt pavement on the skid resistance of surface mixtures
Shared micro-mobility services for university communities: a multivariate ordered probit approach
Updated zone of intrusion envelopes in the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware impact conditions
Vision-based work zone safety alert system in a connected vehicle environment