A systematic review and meta-analysis of fall prevention programs for pediatric inpatients
Child farm-related injury in Australia: a review of the literature
Effects of environmental quality perception on depression: subjective social class as a mediator
Factors related to depression associated with chewing problems in the Korean elderly population
Factors related to gender violence and sex education in adolescents: a cross-sectional study
Haters gonna hate, trolls gonna troll: the personality profile of a Facebook troll
Help-seeking from a national youth helpline in Australia: an analysis of kids helpline contacts
Hospital-based healthcare workers victims of workplace violence in Italy: a scoping review
Impacts of dual-income household rate on suicide mortalities in Japan
Microaggressions and coping with linkages for mentoring
Minimum clearance distance in fall arrest systems with energy absorber lanyards
Problematic use of nitrous oxide by young Moroccan-Dutch adults
Proposal for the inclusion of tobacco use in suicide risk scales: results of a meta-analysis
Representations of psychoactive drugs' use in mass culture and their impact on audiences
Trends in use of prescription skin lightening creams
Zonation of landslide susceptibility in Ruijin, Jiangxi, China