A descriptive analysis of alcohol education materials, 1973--1979
Alcohol and suicide and homicide
Criterion intervals for pretreatment drinking measures in treatment evaluation
Drinking and denial of social obligations among adolescent boys
Drinking pattern as a determinant of alcoholics' performance on the trail making test
Ethanol-induced electrophysiological alterations in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers
Factor analysis and studies on alcohol. A methodological review
Factors inhibiting supervisory referrals to occupational alcoholism intervention programs
Growth deficits in rats exposed to alcohol in utero
Hazardous alcohol consumption and diseases of the circulatory system
Memory for remote events in alcoholics
MMPI profile patterns of men alcoholics in two contrasting settings
Reactance effects of denying social drinkers the freedom to choose to drink alcoholic beverages
Recognizing and seeking help for drinking problems. A study in the Boston metropolitan area